Easy Security Measure – WordPress
It is very common for a WordPress website owner to want to increase their security. WordPress is notorious for a variety of attacks including backdoor, sql injection, and vulnerability exploitations to name a few. Today I am going to share READ MORE
Locked Out of WordPress? No Problem
Did you think it was a great idea to use a Plugin that allows you to change your Admin path only to come to find out that you are locked out? This quick tip will help you get back in, READ MORE
Updating DIVI Theme Breaks Animated Images – Using DIVI Booster
If you have updated to the new DIVI theme version to 2.6.1 and you are using the premium DIVI Booster plugin, you may have noticed that your animated images no longer appear. This is a quick fix! Here is how you READ MORE
Custom Page Templates – WordPress
It has happened to all of us. We pick out a great theme, we are zooming along and then we realize that what we want to do with a page was not built in to the attribute template selection from READ MORE
Chrome Beta v44 causes problems to WordPress sites
There has been a rush of complaints from WordPress users about problems with Chrome Beta v44. Symptoms include redirecting WordPress sites (including sites that do not have an SSL installed) to https://, regardless of their settings. This was probably intended READ MORE
Fix: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent
If this warning is currently bugging you and preventing you from accessing your WordPress Admin Panel, we have the simple fix available for you in this article.
Change Your WordPress Password in MySQL Database
Have you ever forgotten your WordPress password as well as your registered email address? I will show you how to quickly change your password through the database.
Build WordPress Sites From Scratch – Quick and Easy
With so many great premium themes available to us for free or at a low cost, we as designers may find ourselves in a loop where we use premium themes for small client sites and kick custom designs to the READ MORE