Magento File Manager Extension
Have you ever wanted to give a client FTP access but you only have one master login? If so, the Magento extension File System by MagPleasure may be a good solution for you.
Google Says “This site may harm your computer” Prevention
You know you’ve got a problem when Google flags your WordPress site for malware. First they will show a warning that a site has been hacked then if it isn’t improved or gets worse, the warning changes to “this site READ MORE
Updating DIVI Theme Breaks Animated Images – Using DIVI Booster
If you have updated to the new DIVI theme version to 2.6.1 and you are using the premium DIVI Booster plugin, you may have noticed that your animated images no longer appear. This is a quick fix! Here is how you READ MORE
Screenshots The Easy Way
We all know how to “print screen” but have you struggled with finding a good free tool to copy a small portion of a page, a full scrolled page, or having the ability to add arrows and text?
Build WordPress Sites From Scratch – Quick and Easy
With so many great premium themes available to us for free or at a low cost, we as designers may find ourselves in a loop where we use premium themes for small client sites and kick custom designs to the READ MORE
Global Craigslist Clients – Make $500 Now!
In the article below, I will discuss the challenges of Craigslist and how you can speed up your Craigslist searches and make money NOW using the same technique I used which landed me $1,000 in small gigs in 3 days.