Let’s Encrypt – Free SSL Setup in 30 minutes or less
With pressure from Google on web designers to improve security on their websites, Let’s Encrypt is the perfect way to be pro-active and build integrity for your brand/website.
Prevent Directory Listing on a Website
There are many files that power your website that you may not want available to the public.
Increase your Magento Security
The popularity of Magento is growing and with that growth comes the desire for hackers and bots to try to learn how to get in to Magento stores. In this post, I will go over a handful of quick ways READ MORE

Magento File Manager Extension
Have you ever wanted to give a client FTP access but you only have one master login? If so, the Magento extension File System by MagPleasure may be a good solution for you.
Magento Fix Access Denied errors after installing SUPEE-6285
So, you decided to upgrade your patches and one is the SUPEE-6285. Now you are encountering an Access Denied error on the back end. How upsetting! Well, it is an easy to fix, so read on!
Magento: Catalog Price Rule Deleted, Discount STILL Active!! Help!
At some point in time, you will probably want to setup a new Catalog Price Rule. Catalog Price Rules are great if you want to apply discounts such as % off across all products that is visible in your store READ MORE
Magento – PDF Drama = PDF Dream
Have you ever worked in Magento and wished you could have access to media files (including PDF’s) without having to use FTP? Well, you can. In this article, I will tell you how in under 5 minutes.
Fix: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent
If this warning is currently bugging you and preventing you from accessing your WordPress Admin Panel, we have the simple fix available for you in this article.