Reveal Magento Template Pages on Store
It can be very frustrating when working with Magento to understand exactly where a page is located. In this post I will show you the quick and easy way to see everything you need to make your life a little READ MORE
Screenshots The Easy Way
We all know how to “print screen” but have you struggled with finding a good free tool to copy a small portion of a page, a full scrolled page, or having the ability to add arrows and text?
Magento: Catalog Price Rule Deleted, Discount STILL Active!! Help!
At some point in time, you will probably want to setup a new Catalog Price Rule. Catalog Price Rules are great if you want to apply discounts such as % off across all products that is visible in your store READ MORE
Magento – PDF Drama = PDF Dream
Have you ever worked in Magento and wished you could have access to media files (including PDF’s) without having to use FTP? Well, you can. In this article, I will tell you how in under 5 minutes.
Fix: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent
If this warning is currently bugging you and preventing you from accessing your WordPress Admin Panel, we have the simple fix available for you in this article.
Do You KNOW My Product Line?
A tough question that a new potential client may ask. It is completely irrelevant to your web design project but how do you tell them this, politely? In this article, I will go over a quick list of what I READ MORE
Electronic Signature
Have you ever had a contract that required your signature but you don’t have a scanner? In this article, I will tell you about a free online tool that is easy to use and allows you to create an electronic READ MORE
Change Your WordPress Password in MySQL Database
Have you ever forgotten your WordPress password as well as your registered email address? I will show you how to quickly change your password through the database.
You Can Do Anything! Really.
We always hear these amazing stories of incomparable feats of great strength, victory, and valor but have you ever stopped to realize that YOU can do anything? You really can.
Magento – Password Cache Error
Nothing is more annoying than visiting your Magento website and discovering an error on the homepage instead of your beautiful content. In this article, we will discuss a common error with the password cache and how to fix it.